1. Review Eligibility Requirements and Attend an Information Night
Applicant eligibility requirements:
Must be currently enrolled in 6th or 7th grade within Fresno Unified and enrolled at Kings Canyon Middle School, Sequoia Middle School, or Terronez Middle School
- Must have an interest in becoming a health professional and learning about the importance of serving the Central San Joaquin Valley
- Must have a minimum cumulative 2.8 middle school GPA
Attend an Information Night:
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Location: Kings Canyon Middle School (5117 E Tulare Ave, Fresno, CA 93727)
2. Complete the Online Application (February 24 to March 28)
Deadline to submit your online application is March 28, 2025.
A full online application includes:
- Write a short paragraph based on one of the prompts provided
- One online teacher recommendation
Verification of current GPA of 2.8+ will be requested at each individual school site by UCSF Fresno upon the completion of your online application.
The application committee will review all complete and eligible applications submitted by the deadline. Students will be notified of their status in June.
3. Class Elective Ranking
Students at Kings Canyon, Sequoia, and Terronez middle schools, in Fresno Unified offer the Junior Doctors Academy (JDA) as an elective choice.
Students will need to choose the JDA option, "Explo Health Sciences," during their class elective ranking with academic counselors or update in Atlas.
Students ranking JDA as their 1st choice will given priority enrollment and contacted to by the JDA coordinator assigned to the middle school site they are attending.
Note: Each middle school site may have a different course title for the JDA class. Please speak with your middle school counselor.
4. Selected Student Notification
All students selected to participate and enroll in the Junior Doctors Academy (JDA) program will be notified by UCSF Fresno or their school site.
Students not selected will be enrolled another class based on their elective ranking in Atlas.
5. Orientation (August)
For enrolled and confirmed students only.
This is typically an in-class activity.
6. JDA Agreement (by September)
As part of our records process for district and grant reporting, we require each student and a parent or guardian to complete the JDA Registration Agreement to acquaint themselves with the program requirements.
The JDA coordinator will provide access and copies to the JDA Agreement during orientation.
We appreciate parents completing the forms for their students by September 1.