HEaL Conference 2021 | Saturday, March 6, 2021

Registration is only open to students currently enrolled in the Junior Doctors Academy or the Doctors Academy in our participating districts. REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED

Conference Schedule

*Subject to change


General Session  click for recording 

Disponible en Español

8:30 am

Opening Remarks

Dr Katherine A. Flores, Director, UCSF Fresno Latino Center for Medical Education and Research

9:00 am

Cyber Safety 

Educate on the basic social media and technology the how-to's for prevention and awareness. Will included how to recognize the signs when you may be in danger on-line. 

Presenter: Sharon Nichols, Community Service Officer, Fresno County Sheriff’s Office Central California Internet Crimes Against Childrem Task Force                           This session will not be recorded

Social Media Teen Safety Espanol    Social Media Teen Safety English

Sexting Information      How to use NetSmartz

10:00 am

Combat Distance Learning Fatigue with Science! 
Everyone is experiencing some sort of fatigue from distance learning. Science educator, Mrs. Floridia Cheung, will teach you how your respiratory, cardio, and muscle-skeletal systems can help you overcome fatigue and stress while you learn from home. During this session, you will participate in breathing, stretching, and other physical exercises that will help your overall health and wellness. 

Presenter: Floridia Cheung, Career Technical Education (CTE) Coordinator, Sunnyside High School, Fresno Unified School District 

Gratitude Journal Prompts

11:00 am Concurrent Sessions    ~Choose which session to attend!~

CLICK for recordingPreparing for Pre-Med with the University of California 

Disponible en Español


Preparing for a career in the medical field? There's no better place to start than with the University of California (UC). At a UC campus, students will have the opportunity to engage in groundbreaking research, learn from medical practitioners, and prepare for a challenging and fulfilling career in medicine. During this presentation students will learn about the opportunities that they can take advantage of at a UC campus and hear from current UC Merced students who are currently preparing for the competitive field of medicine. 

Presenter: Kia Tan, Associate Director of Diversity Engagement & Transfer Initiatives, UC Merced  

CLICK for Recording
Public Health - COVID and Beyond 

Disponible en Español


Interested in fighting a disease like COVID that impacts an entire population? Want to craft policies, systems, environments, and culture that are leading to poor health outcomes for communities? Come and learn how population-focused public health differs from direct patient care, why public health matters, and the many rewarding career paths in Public Health. 

Presenter: Sara Bosse, Madera County Public Health Director, Madera County Department of Public Health 





Ask Us Anything! College, Health Professional School and Beyond 

Disponible en Español


Doctors Academy alums will be sharing their experience on what they found helpful to prepare to go to college, medical school and beyond and how best parents can support them in this journey. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions as time allows at the end. 

Panelists: Leilani Palominos, Enrique Cazares-Navarro, Anuvir Singh, Tia Vang, MD

This session will not be recorded.



CLICK for recording
Financial Aid 101 

Disponible en Español

The CA Student Aid Commission will be presenting information that will inform you about the different sources of financial aid. This information will help you get the maximum free aid available to make college affordable.

Presenter: Jon Waldrep, Trainer; Adrian Slade, Trainer; California Student Aid Commission


12:00 pm Concurrent Sessions    ~Choose which session to attend!~

CLICK for recording
Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia 

Disponible en Español


Alzheimer’s is not normal aging. It’s a disease of the brain that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior. Join us to learn about the impact of Alzheimer’s, the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia, Alzheimer’s disease stages and risk factors, current research and treatments available to address some symptoms, and Alzheimer’s Association resources. 

Presenter: Cynthia McDermott, Community Educator Volunteer, Alzheimer's Association 


CLICK for recording
Powering the Body. Eat. Move. Be Mindful. 

Disponible en Español


Snackable bites to take care of your most priceless possession – YOU! This interactive presentation will have each participant: Eat – construct a tasty bite and discuss small actionable steps to a nourishing diet. Move – build fitness habits through tips on how to stay motivated while on your lifelong healthy, active journey. Be Mindful – discover the secret weapon to being present in midst of all the chaos that surrounds you. 

Presenters: Cyndi Dean, Program Coordinator; Jason Wara, M.A., Project Specialist; Charles Clancy, Project Specialist; FCSS CalFresh Healthy Living 



CLICK for recording
Money Management

English Only


There is no one formula for financial wellness. Everyone has to write their own money story, and we want to help you write yours. This session will provide information on saving for college, budgeting and practical advice for college finances. 

Presenter: Andrei Wong, Bulldog Financial Coach, Fresno State University








Administración del Dinero

Solamente en Español

No existe una fórmula única para el bienestar financiero. Todo el mundo tiene que escribir su propia historia de dinero y queremos ayudarte a escribir la tuya. Por medio de este taller, aprenderás como ahorrar dinero para la universidad, crear un presupuesto y consejos prácticos para tus finanzas universitarias 

Presentadora: Briana Rodriguez Rico, BA, Bulldog Financial Coach, Fresno State University


1:15 pm Bonus Session

The COVID Vaccine: What I need to Know

English Only


There is a lot of information circulating about the COVID vaccine that may be influencing our decision to receive it. This presentation will provide you with information about the vaccine and the opportunity to ask questions about it. 


Malini K Singh, MD, MPH, Vice Chief, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Department of Emergency Services; Clinical Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, UCSF School of Medicine

La Vacuna del COVID: Lo que Necesito Saber

Solamente en Español

Esta sesión no se grabará. 

Hay mucha información circulando sobre la vacuna para COVIS que puede estar influyendo nuestra decision de recibirla. Esta presentación le brindará información sobre la vacuna y la oportunidad de hacer preguntas al respecto.


J Raul Gutierrez, MD, Associate Clinical Professor, UCSF Department of Pediatrics  

CLick here for cAlifornia Vaccine Information


Click here for federal vaccine information - CDC



Thank you for attending the 2021 HEaL Conference!

We hope that you learned something useful and can apply to your life or in your journey in becoming a health professional. Please take a moment to provide feedback on your experience today. Five names will be drawn from the survey responses to win $10 gift cards for those that wish to participate in the survey.

CLICK HERE TO Provide feedback